More than a decade ago, when I was at the beginning of my spiritual path I was reading an article about the war between the light and the shadow forces behind the scenes in our everyday life. Whilst I was trying to wrap my head around what it meant I started to feel terrified and …
Law of Attraction Coaching
Are you on track? Success Obstacles – Abundance Review 2023
Is your life due for an upgrade? BECAUSE * You are stuck in the old patterns in love and wishing for your perfect match to sweep you off your feet? * You are working your socks off to get ends meet and dreaming about your perfect life? 2023 can get tough very quickly if you …
Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part2 – Pushing yourself to your absolute limits
Do you think you are Superwoman? was the question I was asked when I went for talk therapy after my diagnosis of being depressed, 15 years ago. I certainly took myself for granted, and thought I can just push myself to my absolute limits without any consequences what so ever. I was doing far too …
Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part1 – A Dead End?
When the pandemic hit in 2020, the number of known cases of depression tripled… We lived through some unprecedented circumstances, which challenged everyone on their value system and what is worth focusing on. The biggest change came from being forced to face ourselves, our choices, where they lead us so far, and what they mean …
Soul-Level Empowerment for Healing Transformation to Feel Enough by Eva Maria Hunt
How can you feel enough in a world that measures you with qualities inappropriate to your nature and only acknowledges the physical part of you? It is not possible. And believe me you are not the only one, who suffers from being out of balance energetically in Mind, Body and Soul and not feeling happy …
Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems – Part 1. The Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for me
Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems Manifestation is a trendy subject, along with The Law of Attraction ever since Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret became a best seller in 2006. Many people read it, talks about it, even tried the techniques she wrote about. They work for some and don’t work for others. How is it possible? Not everyone …
What can you expect from a Law of Attraction Session?
“Life wants you to win… Please get out of your own way.” (Robin Sharma) During the Law of Attraction sessions I help you develop an awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and daily energy habits that can set you up for success instead of failure. We assess your perception in order to find limiting beliefs that …
Law of Attraction Coaching
I have found my purpose thanks for the Law of Attraction, and I have been using it not only for my own benefits, but for 5 years now also to empower my clients. I have seen them transitioning in front of my eyes into their better, happier gorgeous self. Inspired by the results, I have …
Manifest Your Dreams with the Law of Attraction
As a human being you do have a physical body. And of course there is so much more to you than what meets the eye. You have a gorgeous electro-magnetic field around you and you exchange energy with the Universe constantly. Everything you think and feel are in a form of energy waves rippling trough …