Showing: 1 - 15 of 25 Articles

Depression From The Soul’s Perspective – Part 6 – Psychic attacks

What counts as a Psychic Attacks? Have you been under one? As many people are only living consciously in the material world, when they don’t feel well mentally or emotionally they blame themselves of being oversensitive or messed up, etc. In reality, your thoughts are never just yours. They are brain waves, which can be …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part 5 – Fear of Being seen & Fulfilling your Purpose

Finding your passion and fulfilling your purpose really is about daring to show the real you. “Selling your soul” might work financially for a while, but you are paying for it big time with your emotional, mental and spiritual imbalance… The fear of being seen can be fuelled by low self-esteem and can lead to …

Depression from the soul’s perspective Part4 – Depression and the 4 dimensions of your being

We try to maintain our physical bodies with different routines, cleaning it, trying to keep it young, exercising it, etc… However the majority of people would say “what?” if asked:  how are you looking after your energy being? Because they do not know, actually that part of them exists and they are not aware that …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part 3 – Empaths & Sensitive Intuitives are energetically more at risk

Are you aware that some people have a certain energy setting that makes them more likely to fall into depression? The good news is that you can recognise, whether you fall into this category and learn an energy hygiene routine and effective tools to be healthy and learn to celebrate your sensitivity. From this video …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part2 – Pushing yourself to your absolute limits

Do you think you are Superwoman? was the question I was asked when I went for talk therapy after my diagnosis of being depressed, 15 years ago. I certainly took myself for granted, and thought I can just push myself to my absolute limits without any consequences what so ever. I was doing far too …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part1 – A Dead End?

When the pandemic hit in 2020, the number of known cases of depression tripled… We lived through some unprecedented circumstances, which challenged everyone on their value system and what is worth focusing on. The biggest change came from being forced to face ourselves, our choices, where they lead us so far, and what they mean …

Moon Goddess Oracle Deck to Develop Your Intuition & Connect with Your Soul by Eva Maria Hunt

My 61 channeled paintings incorporated in this deck, are energy capsules, helping you to journey beyond the physical. The numerology cheat sheet explains the meanings of numbers. This unique deck: teaches you about your soul journey, and shifts you into higher levels of consciousness. designed to allow you to truly connect with your soul self …