“Eva is an exceptional Reiki practitioner and Energy Coach. She has a real depth of skill and knowledge, but the most important element is the level of care and compassion she brings to her practice…” Kate, Oxfordshire
In-person Reiki Healing in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK
Hi, I am Eva, a Certified Reiki Therapist, Practitioner Member of The UK Reiki Federation, Crystal Healer and Law of Attraction Practitioner, I’ve spent over 14 years helping my clients break free from emotional, mental, and energetic barriers. I had the privilage to meet amazing ladies, who suffered from depression, anxiety, an over-active mind, low self-worth, just to mention a few. By combining Reiki Healing, Energy Coaching, and practical Energy Tools, I’ve created a method that goes beyond traditional healing techniques—offering profound and lasting results.
“Eva’s warmth surrounds you from the moment you arrive. She is highly empathetic, can discern what you need, but also gives you the chance to talk, if you want to. The treatment itself is very relaxing and you can keep the peaceful feeling going with the exercises she gives you to do for yourself… A beautiful result from a beautiful lady.” Laurelle, Oxfordshire
During the Reiki session, I channel this amazing source light, that helps you on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. This conscious light flows wherever it is most needed. During the session you get
- energetically charged up with this infusion of light,
- your chakras balanced
- your energy field cleansed and grounded
- on the top of focusing on your main issue(s).
The first 15 minutes is about getting to know you a little and explaining to you all the necessities, so you can enjoy the experience. The second part is the Reiki healing itself. Then in the end we discuss what you felt, and what I believe you need to focus on before I close the session.
The first session is always full of excitement and you might not be able to fully relax into it. With each session, as there is more trust developing, you get into deeper and deeper states of relaxation and healing.
Below I addressed more areas of interest regarding Reiki, including Frequently Asked Questions.
Want to know more? Contact me via Email: eva.maria.hunt@gmail.com
Book your session:
One off in person Reiki session, 75 minutes £75.00
When you sign up for a set of 4 sessions, you get weekly or biweekly treatments, whichever suits your schedule, and 20% off the price:
Set of 4 Reiki sessions paid in one sum: £240.00 (£60 per session)
Set of 4 reiki sessions paid in advance, before each session (not automatic payment): £60.00 per session
Where do you find me?
I used to live in Thame, Oxfordshire, but during the pandemic I moved to Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire and this is where I reopened my Reiki practice:
Who are my clients?
90% of my clients are women, aged 25 – 60+ with very different backgrounds from entrepreneurs to stay at home mums.
What problems do they come to me with?
- depression, anxiety, eating disorders, emotional overwhelm, relationship problems, grieving…,
- physical exhaustion, recovery after surgery,
- overactive mind (unable to switch off),
- low self-worth and self-esteem issues, feeling lost, unsure of their purpose…
The benefits of Reiki healing:
- Deep relaxation
- Pain relief
- Stress relief
- Peace of mind
- Emotional healing
- Access to your inner wisdom
How many sessions are required?
Reiki is a powerful, but gentle energy, which can shift your own energy for the better, even after one session. However it’s a “false high” you experience, as the energy will wear off quickly… The reason? To hold onto it, you must change some of your thinking habits and how you deal with your emotions… To give you a chance to adjust to the high vibrations and hold onto them, min. 4 sessions are recommended.
So to answer the number of sessions are dependent on what issue you need help with, how complex the situation is… Generally I work with a few clients for only 4 weeks, with some for months, and occasionally with a very few of them for years. After the first 4 sessions some of my clients feels much better and when they have a stressful period at work, or some upheavals happen in their private life, they come back for 1-2 re-balancing sessions.

Reiki is an Energy Healing Method
Reiki Healing is an amazing, subtle and very effective energy healing method. It is being practised in every country of the world and being accepted as a complementary therapy in more and more hospitals in many countries including U.S.A and United Kingdom. Currently it is mostly being used by practitioners at their own practise and hospices.
“In the UK and around the world, the benefits of Reiki are beginning to be recognized by the community. As a result of this Reiki is now being used, mainly on a voluntary basis, in a wide variety of settings in the UK, including many parts of the National Health Service. For example at the University College Hospital in London both full-time and part-time practitioners have been employed to give Reiki to patients, particularly those with life threatening diseases. The UK Reiki Federation has a “Pioneers” group and this includes members who are working with Reiki in hospitals or hospices, mainly on a voluntary basis.” (Source: Example of Hospitals & Healthcare Establishments using Reiki – UK Reiki Federation)
There are different styles of Reiki, like Angelic Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Usui Reiki…

Usui Reiki
I learnt Usui Reiki, which comes from Dr. Mikao Usui hence the name. My lineage can be tracked back to him. It was a well kept secret of how to carry out a Reiki treatment for a long time and the symbols used in the practise are still mostly being treated as a sacred, therefore secret information. The healing method, the different hand positions were being passed down by word of mouth until recently, when it is widely available to learn. Some people only use it for self-healing, others like I do, heal others. Although saying that in this type of healing method the client’s willingness to heal and get better is also very important.
Reiki is very effective and can treat many different health problems. It can be seen as an energy medicine.
“If Reiki can be spread throughout the world it will touch the human heart and the morals of society. It will be helpful for many people, not only healing disease, but the Earth as a whole.” Dr Mikao Usui
Who can benefit from a Reiki treatment?
Physical Level
When you have physical pain it is very likely its cause is rooted in the emotional, mental, sometimes even on the spiritual plain. Many people experiences chronic pain, going from one doctor to another, and settle to learn to live with it. Lots of them take medication, which can mask the pain, however the root of the issue doesn’t disappear, as it lies somewhere else.
Reiki can be helpful to treat tennis elbow, back pain, arthritis, sport injuries… as it reduces the healing time of injuries, reduces swelling, accelerates the healing of wounds, strains…
Emotional level
Lots of people are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression as the side effects of our busy, crowded, noisy, polluted life… Reiki can provide fantastic support if you suffer from any of the above by taking you to a deeply relaxed state, and balancing your energies.
Reiki helps to transform stress into calm, so you can experience inner harmony. When you reach that state, you can access your intuition more easily and your confidence improves…
Mental level
Yet others are so over-stimulated by their social and natural environment and their own life style, such as being a “worrier”, over-analysing everything, obsessing on events happening in their life, desperately trying to take control, they are unable to switch their mind off, which completely drains their energy.
Reiki helps you to overcome your fears and worries. When you feel more balanced, your body can heal better, and you can start relaxing. You have clarity of thought, your memory improves, so you can reach your goals easier, thanks for your better state of being.
Spiritual Level
You might be someone, who is committed to better yourself and consciously developing yourself by working on your self-esteem, understanding who you are, what is your life purpose… In this case Reiki can be the answer too, as it can help you on your self- and spiritual development journey.
Is it possible to get addicted to Reiki?
The short answer is no. Read my article: Am I addicted to Reiki Energy? on some interesting facts about how Reiki works.
How is it possible Reiki can work on all 4 levels?
Try to imagine that you are more than your physical body, with an amazing, for most of us invisible, energy system working in and around your body. Therefore you are an Energy being.
Reiki is a high frequency energy, which works very well with your own Life Force Energy that flows through you and feeds you with vital energy every moment of your life. You are able to channel it as it is your birthright. However Reiki can only be channelled by people, who are attuned to it. Thanks for the attunement the practitioner is able to access Reiki energy and using specific symbols channel it through his/her own chakra centres (energy centres). When Reiki is being brought to you it enters your energy flow through your chakra centres, and it is capable of breaking down energy blockages, which were created as a result of your energy being responding to certain events: mental and emotional shocks…
Reiki can work as a preventative method to avoid these energy blockages manifest as a physical illness in your body, or can aid to heal existing illnesses faster and more effectively by treating the root cause.
What my clients say about Reiki Therapy?
“The whole package, Reiki and emotional healing is very beneficial, life changing and relaxing, The difference is incredible. Noticed by others too.” Lisa, Oxfordshire
“Thank you very much, Eva, for your uplifting Reiki sessions. I felt soothed, rebalanced, eased and spiritually transported almost at time. It was precious having such personalised time with you. Your healing energy is palpable. Our sessions together have strengthened and encouraged me on my life journey. Bless you for being you. Thank you.” Jacinta, Buckinghamshire
More information on Reiki:
Dr Mikao Usui
Reiki is called, as Universal or source energy. Dr. Mikao Usui, who created this healing method, was born in Japan in 1865. He studied Buddhism from the age of 4, martial arts from the age of 12, then reached the highest level in Ki-Ko (Chi Kung) by his mid-twenties. He also learnt meditation and healing.
In his adult life he worked in different jobs: government officer, businessman journalist and secretary for the Mayor of Tokyo. He lived a relatively normal life with his wife and children.
He studied other forms of Buddhism from the Shinto and Mahayana sects. At age 53 he began a three year training in Zen Buddhism. After Japan’s borders were opened for the first time in many centuries Dr. Usui has travelled widely, He visited China, the US and Europe.
As part of his training in Zen Buddhism Usui would have been working towards achieving Satori the state of spiritual enlightenment. Apparently after advice from his Zen master, he decided to undergo shyu gyo, a strict spiritual discipline involving meditation and fasting for 21 days, until he either died or became enlightened. On the last morning of his fast he experienced “a great Reiki over his head”, which enabled him to become enlightened, and to acquire the ability to access healing energy (Reiki) and to pass that ability on others… (Penelope Quest – Reiki for Life)
Reiki Frequently Asked Questions
What is Reiki?
The word REIKI (pronounced Ray Key) means Universal Life Force or spiritual energy literally translated from Japanese.
Who is a Reiki Therapist?
A Reiki therapist is being initiated by a Reiki master enabling him/her to channel energy through his/her own energy system and projecting it through his/her hands to the client’s energy field, focusing the flow of energy on the client’s chakras, meridians and aura. Reiki practitioners are usually members of an association, which sets the standards for the practice with Code of Ethics, and making sure their members meet the industries expectations.
I am a Certified Reiki Therapist, practitioner member of the UK Reiki Federation. I was initiated in person by my Reiki master, Christina Moor and my linage can be traced back to Dr. Mikao Usui.
How does Reiki healing work?
Reiki is an energy healing method; it repairs the energy flow in your body. It nourishes it and removes energy blockages that may lead to disease.
The most wonderful thing about Reiki is it awakens your body’s own healing power, enabling you to play an active part of this amazing healing process. Unlike medication, which only treats the symptoms, energy work goes to a deeper level to treat the cause of the problem, which leads to a holistic approach, working simultaneously on Mind, Body and Soul.
What conditions can Reiki treat?
- stress,
- anxiety,
- depression,
- addictions,
- physical injuries, chronic pain
- insomnia and many more…
Who is it suitable for?
Reiki is suitable for everyone at any age. Children are very receptive to this healing energy. It can help them with easing emotional pain (devastating news of divorce or death), stress, behavioral problems or physical pain. They need a shorter treatment time, and only one session can make a real difference.
Is there a risk in Reiki therapy?
The only thing can happen is the patient blocks the positive energy being given by the healer, but this doesn’t cause any harm in any way for the patient.
What happens in a Reiki session?
During the Reiki session the practitioner places her hands very lightly on the body in the variety of positions. The patient is normally lying down and always remains fully clothed throughout the session.
How does Reiki feel?
Some feel a slight tingling or sensation of warmth, some just a deep relaxation, some even fall asleep. Others feel rejuvenated and energized. Some of my clients said during the treatment they felt it as a warm, wrapping around, pampering energy. Everyone has different favourites, but nearly all of them enjoyed two parts; one of the head positions at the beginning and at the end, when this warm, tingling energy is flowing from their feet all the way up to their body.
How long does a treatment take?
Each session is about 1 hour – 1 hour and 15 minutes long. It consists of a 15 – 30 minutes consultation and 45 minutes treatment.
If you wish to improve your life:
- want to get rid of the constant pain,
- would like to feel calm and relaxed,
- Find the way out of depression and anxiety,
- find clarity on where your life is heading,
- or you just need a bit of energy boost