Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

Out with the Old, in with the NEW – Introducing 2 New, Free Services at Spiritual Wonders

In the last few months I have mainly been working behind the scenes. In my line of business, especially at the stage of being a “one-band-woman” 🙂 the business is reflecting the person’s energies, who is behind it. As, I was growing spiritually, since 2010, when I have established Spiritual Wonders, the services I have …

Light Workers, Twin Flames, Ascension, The Divine Masculine and Feminine – Your Questions Answered

I am still in the process of transforming my business, so it truly reflects the wisdom I have gained throughout the 10 years I have been consciously walking my spiritual path. I have been in my cocoon for a few months now to birth new ideas going forward, whilst “keeping the lights on” in most …