
Energy and Spirit Messages for Lightworkers, Divine Feminines for 27th Aug – 1st Sept.

Hello Beautiful Souls,

Here is a new tool from me to guide you through your week and enable you to balance your masculine and feminine energies in the best possible way, so you can feel enough and enjoy everything that your life has to offer.

I am using 4 gorgeous card decks. The top row is about your past influences, your present circumstances, and the future potential along with the underlying energies for the week ahead. The second row is giving you advice on what emotions to deal with and what actions to take in order to reach the best outcome possible by riding the waves of energies available to you this week.

The underlying message is: listen to your intuition. You are a soul, you have psychic abilities to receive messages from your Higher-self, Soul, Spirit Guides and the Universe. You already sense/hear them. Learn to trust them.

The Angel of Love is representing what you recently went through, or started working on. Asking you to be gentle with yourself, be compassionate towards yourself and love yourself. This helps to raise your vibration and attract better possibilities towards yourself. If you have a love interest on your mind, it can also mean new love is on its way to you or with someone already in your life you can take it up a level, allowing deeper love to flow between the two of you.

Your present energies are about new beginnings. What you need to do is to allow yourself to heal certain areas in your life, whether internal or external to allow happiness to flow to you. So keep focusing on your intentions and act on them to see your life blossom in more ways than you can imagine.

Taking these steps allows you to find balance (Yin/Yang) between your logic and intuition, acting on things and being passive. Right now you are called to do both with the emphasis on being passive and yielding as the underlying theme suggests. Stay in receptive mode, in the sense of listening to the Divine/your intuition/soul and start taking some actions to match your external world with your inner one.

That brings us to the energy of service, which is dominant this week. We are now in the sign of Virgo, who is about service and helping others, so no surprise there. Focusing on what you meant to do i.e. helping others your way, whether it is healing others through Reiki, coaching, workshops, simply spending time with others and being there for them.

The Door to personal healing and happiness is open for you. Part of the healing process is looking into two main areas:

The Lady of The Gift asks you to look at, in what way you give to others though. It doesn’t talk about giving, as in financially. It is more like giving through believing in the other person without judgement, seeing their inner value.

When trying to manifest your dreams be careful about scarcity consciousness (fears, lack) popping up and attachment issues. They can sabotage your plans. So work on them.

One way of working through scarcity consciousness is not to be too focused on one way of creating financial abundance. If you try to do everything on your own, with your hard work you might be missing out on other options, like crowdfunding, partnerships and investment possibilities. And when that money flow starts appearing make sure some of it you put aside to build a safety net, so you feel secure. This is helping you to let go of worries and anxiety that could come with working on your financial situation, and creates room for self-care and more energy to focus on your service, your life purpose.

Please let me know whether it was helpful.

Have a Wonderful Week!

With love


PS: I have started a new video series on You Tube, related to the Law of Attraction, focusing on self-love, self-worth, etc. Every video comes with an energy tool that you can put to use straight away. Here is the link to my page, where you can see both the videos and the energy tools related to them. Enjoy!




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