The Wounded Divine Masculine and Feminine A long time ago the Divine Masculine and Feminine got wounded, they lost their way with each other. Both parties retreated into their fear based ego self (lower self) and the battle of the genders started… Many thousands of years later, the world is driven by the values projected …
Divine Feminine Raising and the Wounded Feminine
As an energy therapist I have been working on helping my clients balance their inner masculine and feminine energies since 2010. Lots of them, including me are committed to their own self and spiritual development and have been working on themselves to heal their issues related to childhood wounds, low self-worth, etc. for many years. …
Energy and Spirit Messages for Lightworkers, Divine Feminines for 27th Aug – 1st Sept.
Hello Beautiful Souls, Here is a new tool from me to guide you through your week and enable you to balance your masculine and feminine energies in the best possible way, so you can feel enough and enjoy everything that your life has to offer. I am using 4 gorgeous card decks. The top row …