Showing: 1 - 15 of 17 Articles

Crystal Alchemy for Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

This healing podcast episode gives you not only valuable information on which healing crystal(s) to use for managing mental health and emotional well-being, but also a “D.I.Y.” Crystal Healing session… I introduce 8 crystals and connect them to certain chakras for the above purpose: Clear Quartz Amethyst Sodalite Labradorite Rose Quartz Citrine Smoky Quartz Black …

Protect Your Health from Harmful Electric & Magnetic Fields (EMF) with Black Tourmaline

There are two types of EMFs in terms of their intensity. We humans have a natural, electro-magnetic field, which has low intensity. It is being affected by intense electro-magnetic fields radiating from mobile phone towers, power lines… Therefore concerns persist about possible connections between EMF and adverse health effects. Your Energy Field Your energy field, …

Must Have Healing Crystals – Our Beautiful and Powerful Helpers

Crystals have been our Beautiful and powerful helpers for thousands of years. Formed in the Earth, carrying healing vibrations of the Universe. Find out more about them: What healing crystals are  How Healing Crystals Work Every crystal is different, with different vibrations and different healing properties. Must have healing crystals Whether you are a beginner …

Love in a Water Bottle – Crystal Water – Bewater

What is crystal water? Crystal water is a powerful combination of healing crystals and water. The different vibrations of the healing crystals are being emitted into the water. So when you drink the crystal water, it changes your vibration. It helps you to feel calmer, more balanced, it can soothe you, energise you…, depending on …

Feeling out of sorts? Reset Your Energies with Healing Crystal Jewellery. Always at hand, Beautiful, Effective!

Content: Is it just some New Age nonsense or crystals do have healing abilities? Crystals have been used for healing purposes for thousands of years all over the world Where does modern day science stand regarding healing crystals? How Healing Crystals interact with our Human Energy? The Benefits of Wearing Healing Crystals as Jewellery Three …

Healing Crystals for Energy & Spiritual Protection – Amethyst, Fluorite, Turquoise

Crystals for Energy & Spiritual Protection (protection crystals) are helping you to keep your energies intact and safe from outside, negative influences on the mental, emotional & spiritual levels of your being. Why do you actually need energy protection?  Your physical body is the densest layer of your energy body. You might not see it, but …

Birthstone Crystals – Bloodstone – Pisces 19th February – 20th March

In the first article of this series, when I wrote about Aquarius I also introduced crystals and birthstones in general: “Crystals are the eyes, the ears, the nose and the mouth of the Earth…”, What are Healing Crystals?, The Astrological Signs, What are Birthstones, Birthstone Crystals?… You can read it in full here The astrological …

Meet Citrine, this gorgeous semiprecious stone of Abundance, self-esteem, protection…

What is Abundance? According to the Cambridge Dictionary abundance is “the situation in which there is more than enough of something”. I like this definition, because it doesn’t focus only on money, which comes to many people’s mind straight away, when they hear the word: abundance. So it can be anything really: money, love, friendship, …

How to energise your life and Feng Shui Yourself Happy with Healing Crystals to help you attract good energies, helpful people, wealth and love?

If you are interested in Feng Shui, holistic healing, awakening your body’s own healing power or you started practising Qi Gong for Health recently this article might help you to understand more about the energy world and how we humans are influenced by it every moment of our lives. What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui …

Live in harmony with the seasons’ energies and choose the right healing crystal to feel better– Autumn, The Earth Element

In the cycle of the four elements autumn belongs to the Earth energy. This beautiful season is the time of gentle sunshine and gorgeous colours, when the Green leaves turn into Yellow, Orange, deep Red, then Brown. After the lazy, hot summer days it is the time for action. Your mind is focused on getting …