Are you looking after yourself or just taking your energies for granted, constantly using up the last drop of energy you have for the day, and then expect to feel on the top of the world the next day? Being surprised to feel depressed or anxious, exhausted physically, mentally or emotionally? Any of these ring bells for you?
Although it’s still February the energies are already changing in the Universe from winter to spring energies, which also means our body is changing and so we should take it into account, when we are looking after ourselves regarding nutrition, exercise, meditation and so on.
This is why I am so happy to announce this year’s first qigong for health workshop, where we address this very subject how to align with the season’s energies. This workshop gives you the knowledge and some easy to do practical exercises to feel
- physically energised,
- emotionally balanced,
- mentally focused and
- it also provides nourishment to your soul through a different kind of meditation, which is easy to do.
What is qigong?
Qigong for Health is a physical practice of intention to repair, restore and revive your Body, Mind & Soul. It is a powerful tool of self-healing combining physical exercises with the power of breathing and mindfulness to gain control over your Life Force Energy/Qi/Chi to enhance your quality of life.
The workshop takes place in The Belmore Centre, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, HP21 9DR.
It runs from 10:45 to 12:15, on Saturday 24th February 2018.
There are only limited places available, so make sure you book your place as soon as you can.
Here is the link to more information. To reserve your place all you need to do is click on the “Buy Now” button on that page and pay the £20.00 attendance fee for the 90 minutes workshop.
Have a question about qigong or the workshop?