This week 15 – 21st May 2023 is Mental Heath Awareness week. According to the NHS, one in 4 adults and one in 10 children experience mental illness, such as anxiety, stress or depression. People often overlook the importance of spending time in nature. The healing effects of nature are amazing and always available. Walking …
Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part2 – Pushing yourself to your absolute limits
Do you think you are Superwoman? was the question I was asked when I went for talk therapy after my diagnosis of being depressed, 15 years ago. I certainly took myself for granted, and thought I can just push myself to my absolute limits without any consequences what so ever. I was doing far too …
Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part1 – A Dead End?
When the pandemic hit in 2020, the number of known cases of depression tripled… We lived through some unprecedented circumstances, which challenged everyone on their value system and what is worth focusing on. The biggest change came from being forced to face ourselves, our choices, where they lead us so far, and what they mean …