Why would you have a card reading?
When you have a burning issue or a complex life situation, you are very likely being in fear state. It means that negative emotions like anger, frustration, guilt, shame, worries, anxiety, depression, sadness, feeling like a victim… bring your frequency down and you are unable to access your own intuition i.e. receive information from your Higher Self for guidance.
Having a reading bypasses that problem. The reader can also connect with other spirit beings, like your spirit guides, angels, archangels, animal spirits, even your loved ones, who have passed away… to bring through messages that are important for you to solve a certain problem, find your way out of a situation, receive support and guidance that is for your highest and greatest good.
Get the guidance you need! Book Your Card Reading with me!
Email: eva.maria.hunt@gmail.com
How does a card reading work?
As a reader, I prepare for the session by connecting to my own spirit guides and spirit helpers.
When I am asked a question from you, I intuitively chose the card deck(s) to receive the answers. The cards are “talking” through their images, sometimes the words written on them, and I sense, feel, know what spirit, the Universe, the Angels are sending through that card.
There are free style readings and set card layouts.
Free Style Oracle / Tarot Card Reading
In the free style readings I ask a question, and pull a card as an answer. Sometimes more than one card falls on the table to form the answer. Depending on what we received I ask another question, and keep going, until we got the answer. I usually pull additional cards for advice and higher guidance.
Set Layout Oracle / Tarot Card Reading
In a reading with a set layout, for example Celtic cross, every card has a “place”, which holds a meaning, so the answer will be interpreted according to that area / subject it fell onto. For example What is your strength in the situation or what are your hidden fears and/or desires, what is the outcome, etc.
I have my own set layouts that I often use. For example when I do an abundance reading I have a 5 cards layout:
1) represents your current energy
2) the level of the physical (your health and action)
3-4) the level of your soul, divided into two major areas: romantic love and you purpose/job/profession
5) the level of your mind. This is about your thoughts and mindset.
After receiving the messages I pull clarifying cards, which let us go deeper into each area. For clarification I use different, relevant decks for every single life areas.
To finish off the reading I pull some cards for advice.
More than a reading
I am an intuitive reader, energy coach and energy healer. So when you have a reading with me I pass on the messages that come through to you and I also am able to give you energy tools to change your energy frequency for the better:
- to let go of heavy emotions,
- build better energy habits
- maintain a more positive outlook…
How much does it cost?
In fear mode? Can’t access your inner guidance? Let me help!
- A burning question reading (delivered as a voice message on what’s app with pics of the layouts) £25.00
- 30 minutes online (video) or in person reading is £44.44
- 60 minutes online (video) or in person reading is £80.00
Get the guidance you need! Book Your Card Reading with me!
Email: eva.maria.hunt@gmail.com
General Readings, Energy Check-ins
I provide general energy forecasts weekly, and also random energy chek-ins in the subject of love, career, and major energy shifts, like Full Moon, New Moon, etc. on the following channels:
Let’s connect:
- General readings, like & subscribe on You Tube: Moon Goddess Oracle
- Like my Facebook Page: Moon Goddess Oracle
- Follow me on Instagram: @evamariahuntart, where I post oracle and tarot readings too, not just my paintings.
DISCLAIMER: These readings are general readings, therefore they won’t resonate with everyone. They are intended to help you navigate through the energies of the Universe and allow you to choose to raise your vibration and consciousness for more positive results. They are for Entertainment purposes only and are not meant to replace medical or legal advice. Check in with your own intuition and use your judgement, when making decisions, please.