Membership Tiers

Vibe High & Thrive Membership
Adjust your vibes for positive manifestation! Experience balance, healing and abundance like never before!
Access to the membership knowledge base for self-development and a private FB community for support
Live group energy reset sessions on Facebook, monthly
Weekly Q&A
Explore the intricacies of Energy Anatomy - Understand what takes you out of balance & how to fix it
Embrace Holistic, Emotional & Energy Healing Tools to stay in the safe manifestation zone
Unlock the Laws of Manifestation
Step-by step guidance on Manifesting your desires
111 page Digital Manifestation Journal for FREE
Soul Star T2 Membership
Unleash your Magic! Master Your Intuition & Manifestation
60 minutes general group reading or channelled reading for the collective in a certain subject online with answering the participants personal questions related to the subject
Shift from struggles to prosperity consciousness and learn how to use the Law of Attraction to Create by Design
Understand what intuition is and discover your inner gifts
Modules: Step 2 Co-creating with the Universe and Step 3 Unlock & Develop Your Intuition
Access to Tier 1
H.ChamberT3 Membership
Find Your place in the Universe! Be Seen & Heard!
60 minutes Soul Masterclass monthly by Eva or Guest speakers
Are you a misfit? You don't feel you belong? Find your soul family and allow yourself to become the gorgeous soul You are
Understand the Journey of the Soul! Why we are here, who we are?
Private Facebook Page to connect with like-minded, like-hearted people, Q&A, tasks to glow & more
Module: Step 4 The Journey of The Soul
Access to Tier 1 & 2