When you decide to manifest something you are getting all excited, and an unexpected event comes along, so you are suddenly dropping your frequency and experiencing disappointment and struggles. Sounds familiar?
Anyone can manifest, the question is do they do it by default or by design?
Manifesting by default is literally being unaware of your power and attracting to yourself good and bad, depending on your energy vibration.
Manifesting by design is holding an unshakable belief that you are the creator of your life, and have the ability to manifest what you want. It is a state of being that must be maintained. Why?
Because we are energy beings.
The challenge is: Our energy field responds to any subtle changes
The human energy field is a gorgeous instrument. It needs love and care and maintenance to be in the best shape. It is because unlike crystals, which hold one single frequency that never changes, we humans are being affected by:
- others’ energies, their thoughts, emotions, intentions, whether positive or negative
- our environment (both man-made and natural) and
- our very own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, etc.
This course teaches you how to:
- create that unshakable belief in yourself & The Universe
- reach and maintain the high frequency, positive vibration state before you consciously ask from the Universe
- troubleshooting guidance, for when something goes wrong!
Why are you not getting results?
You are Spirit with a human body, living in a duality world.
As a Spirit, you have limitless opportunities. As a Human, you are limiting yourself with your mind.
In this course you can learn how to:
- use your mind to your advantage
- transmit to the Universe the frequency of the very thing you want to manifest.
How long does it take?
It really depends on you. How fast you can eliminate those factors that take you out of your alignment? Which can be your emotions and thoughts, or others’ thoughts and emotions or both, including what you believe is possible.
You are an amazing being with creative power! So let’s start creating by design, rather than by default!
This course, Manifest Anything
takes you through the process of manifesting, step-by-step and teaching you how to manage and hold onto the good vibes, which attract what you want.
Learn how to
- create your avatar and upgrade to “You 2.0”
- find the Superhero within to move through portals of abundance
- a daily routine to manage your vibration, so it doesn’t drop into the danger zone of “lack consciousness”
- use guided visualisations to align with and stand in your Vortex
- troubleshoot manifestation problems
- use energy tools to aid manifestation
- and more.
12 audio recordings, 6 videos, 4 pdfs you can enjoy:
- 8 of my channeled guided visualistaions
- Coaching through step-by-step instructions
- Energy healing and
- Advanced Law of Attraction tools…
About me:
I am Eva, Spiritual guide, Energy healer, Qigong teacher, Reiki practitioner, Crystal healer and Soul Artist.
In the last 12 years I have created and used my own method, which is a unique combination of
- Energy healing tools
- Qigong self-healing art
- Law of Attraction
- Soul Work (developing intuition, channeling)
It is designed to set yourself free, in order to live your best life in alignment with your inner gifts & life/soul purpose.
By connecting the healing wisdom of the East & West I help you discover
- your Spirit self,
- the energy world and the tools that help you manage your mental and emotional state,
- the secrets of vibrational healing, and how to use them to your advantage,
- how to create by design with the law of Attraction, and manifest what you want,
- how to live your passion by the rules of the New Paradigm,
- and so much more.
I have been working with clients in person 1 to 1 and in workshop settings for 10 years. In the last two years I have shifted my business online continuing with energy healing, coaching and spiritual guidance.
Buy the online course only:
Buy the online course with 1 hour V.I.P access to me via whats app chat or voice recordings:
Buy the online course with 4 x 1 hour live zoom coaching sessions with me:
See you inside!
Eva x
Email: eva.maria.hunt@gmail.com