Bypass Your Mind and take a different approach to Self-Love with my upcoming Qigong workshop:
Love Yourself with All Your Heart
- When?
This workshop is being postponed, because of illness. I will notify you, when the new date is set. - Duration? 60 minutes
- Where? Zoom video call, online (the link will be sent to you, after payment is received)
- Is a replay available? Yes, for 72 hours
- Price: £15.55, approx $19.50 (USD)
Do you do any of this to yourself?
- Being very harsh and horrible with yourself?
- Taking yourself for granted?
- Judging yourself?
- Thinking everything is your fault?
Your mind is a very powerful place, it can make you believe many things, good and bad. But why would you allow it to lead you, when it acts, like a two-edged sword? i.e. It can either make your dreams come true or lock you into a self-imposed prison with your limiting beliefs.
Why should you bother with self-love?
You have been ok, kind of… for decades, why should you do something different now? The answer is that you feel so much tension within and the pattern of abandonment, and rejection can become a permanent player in your life, which makes you feel anxious, depressed, and stressed out, so you neglect your connection with yourself even more. Because you created proof for yourself that you are not lovable.
Love is high-frequency energy. When you function from love, rather than the lack of love i.e. acting from your fears, your energy shifts within. Now you step into your power and the world around you starts to reflect the New You and Your New Loving Relationship with yourself at your work, in a romantic love connection, in your friendship circle, etc.
What do you get from the workshop?
You learn how to…?
- Find the gateway to your heart and how to use it to soothe yourself,
- Cleanse your Chakras & Meridians through powerful exercises, so the emotions, which just create clutter will be washed away, cleaned out,
- Connect with Quan Yin, The Goddess of Kindness and Compassion for guidance,
- Allow yourself to feel Loving, Lovable, Loved… through breathing exercises and guided visualisations.
Please click on the below link to find out what qigong is and a little bit about me.
Qigong – Spiritual Wonders (
What My Clients Say?
“I am really struggling with meditation and Eva introduced me to Qigong to see whether it helps me to find peace. I absolutely love it. It’s so easy to do, the movements are enjoyable and I finally managed to switch my mind off and connected with my own energy. Brilliant!” Claire, UK
“I am shocked to find out I don’t breathe the right way. Who thought that’s possible? Since Eva taught me how to breathe properly my headaches are gone and I can focus easier and for longer.” Lisa, UK