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You are only a few steps away from getting access to your video lesson.
Step 1. Please go to your email inbox and look for the email I just sent you.

The subject line is "First Name, Confirm your subscription" and the email is sent by "Eva Hunt, Spiritual Wonders".

Step 2. Open the email and click on the confirmation link inside.

Done! That's all we need, to ensure that we got the right email address and that you will get all the stuff you signed up for!

Step 3. Now go back to your email box and open the email you've just received

You will find there the link to the video, along with a password.

Click on the link, and use the password to get access to the page.

Enjoy your session.​

FREE 20 min. Discovery Call - Phone or Skype

Do you have burning issues in the area of money, love, job, health...?

Let's schedule a free consultation in to see how I can help you. 

Please send me an email with some days and times that would be suitable for you for the call, and I will get back to you. Thank you.


Eva Maria Hunt, Energy Therapist and Artist, trading as Spiritual Wonders 2010 - 2016