Showing: 1 - 15 of 22 Articles

Depression From The Soul’s Perspective – Part 6 – Psychic attacks

What counts as a Psychic Attacks? Have you been under one? As many people are only living consciously in the material world, when they don’t feel well mentally or emotionally they blame themselves of being oversensitive or messed up, etc. In reality, your thoughts are never just yours. They are brain waves, which can be …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part 5 – Fear of Being seen & Fulfilling your Purpose

Finding your passion and fulfilling your purpose really is about daring to show the real you. “Selling your soul” might work financially for a while, but you are paying for it big time with your emotional, mental and spiritual imbalance… The fear of being seen can be fuelled by low self-esteem and can lead to …

Depression from the Soul’s Perspective – Part1 – A Dead End?

When the pandemic hit in 2020, the number of known cases of depression tripled… We lived through some unprecedented circumstances, which challenged everyone on their value system and what is worth focusing on. The biggest change came from being forced to face ourselves, our choices, where they lead us so far, and what they mean …

Solopreneurs, Leading With Your Mind Or Your Heart? 3 Steps To Make 2022 Magical!

This article has been written for and published in Brainz magazine. Read it here Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Read exclusive articles from influential leaders, top entrepreneurs, expert coaches and industry leaders within the …

Divine Masculine Awakening and The Distorted Masculine

The Distorted Masculine For a very long time the Divine Masculine has been living from an unbalanced power. The battle of the sexes, aggression, hunger of power created so much suffering in relationships, society and globally too. The masculine is repressing its true nature, and allowing his shadow side to roam freely. Making decisions from …

Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems – Part 1. The Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for me

Troubleshooting Manifestation Problems Manifestation is a trendy subject, along with The Law of Attraction ever since Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret became a best seller in 2006. Many people read it, talks about it, even tried the techniques she wrote about. They work for some and don’t work for others. How is it possible? Not everyone …